I know what you are thinking, but NO, it is not a syphilitic ulcer.*** It is of the good old tummy variety. So stop snickering.
In practical terms, what this means is: I cannot drink coffee. This is, without a doubt, the worst thing that has ever happened to me. Ever.
That still doesn't express the gravitas of this situation. I'll try again.
This is the worst thing that has ever happened on Earth since the beginning of time.
Worse than:
It's that effing bad. I hate you.
* Singular
*May not
I don't see what's so wrong with that second one.
Sorry to hear about the ulcer though, maybe if you tithe to me and sacrifice some virgins I'll make some calls.
P.S. I like Haribo Gummi Candies.
I believe you actually have 2 readers...
Kickass! I knew this little blog would take off. Nothing's gonna stop me now!
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