Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jerks of the Sea: A Reprise

Are Blue Whales Jerks? Yes.
"You should lay off the krill, babe.
You've put on some weight."

Don't ever fall for
They'll just break your heart.

"Your mesoglea
must be jelly, because jam
don't contract like that."


Ozymandias said...

were you one of those preteen girls who wanted to be a marine biologist when you grew up?

Brian Hurley said...

Fuck you. Blue whales have a hard enough time already, okay? Don't you realize the coast of Florida is basically a shooting gallery? Every time a retired New Yorker plops down on a Jet Ski they're pulling the trigger. You want to take shots at the blue whale's body image, too? What kind of sick fuck...? Blue whales are BEAUTIFUL CREATURES WITH A LOT TO GRAB ON TO.

D said...

Yes. But those dreams were destroyed when I was chosen as runner-up by the JASON Project to go study whales off the coast of Baja. Instead they picked a girl named Athena. This explains my hatred of both Robert Ballard and seaQuest.

D said...

The whale started it, Brian.

Matt said...

Given today's high rate of whale bulimia, I find this post very insensitive.

D said...
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