I'm a little backward when it comes to national "news," so somehow I missed that the city of Milwaukee has entered the ranks of other largely forgetable burgs that erect statues of
long-past-use-by-date movie and tv characters in an attempt to lure people with layovers out of the local airport.* But I'm happy to report that in this case, Milwaukee did it up right by erecting a bronze statue of popular Happy Days character Arthur Fonzarelli. Now I applaud
all Fonzie related activities, so this statue definitely gets two thumbs up from me. But I can't find any pictures of the effing thing.
Why all the secrecy, Milwaukee? Did you manage to fuck this up? Because that would be almost as uncool as the time that Ralph Malph tried to put the moves on Pinky Tuscadero while Fonzie was in the bathroom at Arnold's helping Richie regain enough confidence to ask Wendy to the drive-in. That was like school on Saturday: no class.
Someone find me a picture!
*Biologists consider this phenomenom to be an example of adaptive mutation. Creationist consider Happy Days to be an example of Satan's excrement.
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